Understanding the results

This page explains what to do if you have 

1) A positive result from a screening, or
2) A negative result from a screening, but still think the child may have CVI.

A Positive Result 

Check Eyesight & Eye Health

Firstly, ensure the child is up to date with eyesight tests and eye health checks.  If not, recommend the child is reviewed as soon as possible. It is possible a positive result is due to unmet eye health needs or because the child needs spectacles, and these need to be ruled out. If issues due to the eyes are picked up, please wait for treatment to be completed, including prescriptions for glasses, and ask the child to take the test again. You can print off the report and take it to the vision specialist to show the result is outside of the normal range for children in their age group, as it could be the child has both unmet eye needs and CVI.

A positive result means the child may have a form of CVI affecting visual perception, explained in this video.

We know that many vision centres will not diagnose CVI for this form of CVI, and whilst the child with a positive result will unquestionably benefit from support, they may not get a CVI diagnosis if assessed. We want to prepare the child and their family for this, because we know many it has happened to, and it can be very upsetting. This is an area our community urgently needs to attend to, and world leading researchers are asking that this group of children affected by CVI, likely the largest single group, are recognised and supported. Our partner charity CVI Scotland explained this issue in more detail with links for further understanding, click here to view.

Whilst the child may not receive a diagnosis, it does not mean they should be denied life transforming support. Our partner charity, the international CVI organisation CVI Scotland, anticipated this issue, and whilst waiting for the world to catch up, designed a free, do-it-yourself support programme called Pick & Mix, for all affected by CVI including where there is not a medical diagnosis. In the programme, you pick the areas relevant to you and your child, where they may need help and support. These include help at home, being at school (both the social environment and school work), support with food and eating, transport, and more. Each area identifies tasks that the child or person with CVI might want to complete, or needs or desires that they have, and suggests ways to help them achieve those tasks or needs. If the support works, then the child is benefitting and that is what this is all about.

Explore the Pick & Mix support programme



We are very keen to hear your stories and experiences, not only to improve the Austin Assessment, but also to improve our community. Please email us at info@austinassessment.org or use the Contact us page.


A Negative Result

It may be that you suspect a child has CVI and the screening comes back negative. There is no single test that can 100% confirm or deny the presence of CVI. The Austin assessment screens for a type of cerebral visual impairment affecting visual perception, as explained in the video above. Other forms of CVI can affect visual perception differently, meaning a child may have a form of CVI but a different one. Or their difficulties may be caused by something else. It can be very difficult to untangle the causes of difficulties and a highly skilled professional is needed.

If you allowed your child to do a practice round before the screening, give it a week or two and test them again - this time doing the new screening and not the practice round. This may alter the results, as it will not be as fresh in their mind.

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